Saturday, April 7, 2012

OP Clan War Rematch

OP Leader Elias came to me asking for a rematch with ZR. He will get a war, I'll be playing my best so expect me to pull off something spectacular. But will you? I want everyone to play in this war but I want you at your best. The was will be at Saturday 7:00 PM EST. Practice this week will be moved to Friday 7:00 PM EST. We will play a total of 7 games and I will pick the teams for each game. Our best members will play in the opening match of the war. Please meet in the war room above, here, or below now.


  1. James, Majora, KLM, and Raze
  2. Majora, Raze, Fela, and Medina
  3. James, Medina, Fluffy, and Itachi
  4. KLM, Raze, Itachi, and DooM
  5. James, Majora, KLM, and Manwell
  6. Erik, Majora, Fluffy, and Raze
  7. Fela, Erik, DooM, and Medina

If you can't make the war please tell me so I can adjust teams and such.

WIN!!! OP no show

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